Dog Training School College Station - K9 Sensei Dog Training


K9 Sensei offers Dog Training & Boarding facilities in Bryan, TX by using balanced training techniques to make man’s best friend also a well-balanced friend. We use a positive “yes” and a fair “no” to help a dog understand what we expect from him.

Reach out us at:

K9 Sensei Dog Training
10776 FM 1179
Bryan, TX 77808
(979) 676-6175

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About Us:

K9 Sensei creates a positive, loving atmosphere to help your dog reach his full potential. By engaging a dog’s intellect, we begin positively reinforcing good actions while setting boundaries and parameters around their behavior. This process of discipline and learning helps build the unbreakable bond between you and your dog. Exercise helps a dog feel happy and satisfied, and it also helps avert many of the problems families face, such as chewing, digging, or excessive barking. 


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